A Center for Grassroots Organizing

Drop the Charges (Marshfield v. Harris)
Sign the PetitionDonate

This is a project for helping organize mass social movements.

This means space where people from different fields can spend time together, share resources, get creative, and build collaborative strategy. A place for the explosion of radical youth leadership to feel at home and skill-up as organizers. A place to apply our dedication to racial justice with boots on the ground and proactively sharing resources. A place for all of us to connect with the farming and agricultural community, to reconfigure our relationship with our unstable food systems in readiness for the impacts of climate change. A place to work on defending the natural world from the impositions of the corporate world.

It’s a place to get a breath, get our feet on the ground, to feel good about being there with our friends and colleagues, and to get our heads back in the game for the next round.  [read more]